Love what you do
We’ve all been told to pursue a career so that you end up loving what you do, yet so many of us fall short somewhere along the way. For me, following my creative interests was a no-brainer; however,...
View ArticleBusy. A four letter word for fun.
That old saying “time flies when…” holds true to my absence in updating my home here. This story is about what’s been going on with a private art college here in Nashville. I was asked to join Nossi...
View ArticleUnderstanding new technologies for graphic designers could mean their job
The title of this post sums up what many creatives today are feeling–their careers are being challenged by the unrealistic pace of technology and the ability to keep up. Having worked in the...
View ArticleSlaying the new creative chameleon
Creativity is communication. Plain and simple. From the time cavemen painted on cave walls humans have been communicating to each other through the things we create. Try creating something without...
View Article2014 – The truth brings all things new
It’s officially the start of a new year and with it comes a new occasion to leave yet another year behind, especially my struggles, failures and missed opportunities. However, forgetting my successes,...
View ArticleCareer anniversaries are for humble reflection
I just celebrated my fourth year as the Graphic Design Coordinator at Nossi College of Art. Looking back, there are times that include confusion and confidence with my decision to accept this position....
View ArticleYuccie – graphic novelist meets graphic designer
Ok, so the “yuccie” termonology has been trending all over the internet since the article written by David Infente on Mashable two days ago. For years I’ve been hiring these guys as a creative director...
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